
Excelasol is a fast growing company incorporated in the state of California. We are proud to have a team of professionals who along with their ideas and experience have always proven to help our clients meet challenges and reach their long term business objectives. We are equipped to be able to deal with a range of international clientele with absolute proficiency and dedication for the speedy completion of projects.

Excelasol serves a wide array of client base including large corporations from different sectors, mid-sized and small companies that require us to focus on quality while delivering solutions of high value. We have served clients from industries such as:

  • Finance
  • Government
  • Education
  • Software Services
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing and Retail
  • Telecom and Communications
  • Insurance and Others

We partner with our clients to bring them the most current technology solutions available. We collaborate with them on an ongoing basis, on a project basis or simply provide staffing. Our focus remains to get a right blend of professionals, knowledge, methodology, and technologies required for a specific project. We assure that every project will be done, on time and on budget. Excelasol employees are well-versed to work on different stages or the entire software development life cycle and offer a variety of functional and Technical expertise.

Clients benefit from our result-centric solutions in many ways because strategies we build for business process improvement indicate significant growth in organizational performance in long term.