
At Excela Solutions, We Can Help:

  • Research, locate and sell job opportunities to reliable and skilled talent
  • Accelerate time-to-market your key products and services by staffing a team of experts
  • Minimize or eliminate cost and time investment for internal training
  • Provide a dynamic workforce to meet the business challenges If you are looking at hiring full time individuals, Excela Solutions Business Process Outsourcing Services may be leveraged. We can plug into your business function as an extended recruitment team supporting you current needs or added demand spikes in talent acquisition. Our office has Senior recruiters with an average experience of 10 years. Our recruiters can perform full lifecycle recruitment involving resume research, interviewing, background checks, on-boarding and client coordination.

Project Based Consulting

Excela Solutions provides project-based consulting to help you meet your business goals and objectives. The broad acceptance of the Internet has created numerous opportunities for businesses that are seeking growth and are challenged by highly competitive and rapidly changing markets. As a result, many businesses now view their company's software technology strategy as a high priority.

To help businesses leverage the Internet and other computing technologies, Excela Solutions offers project-based consulting services. Our project-based consulting allows your business to have access to a full software development team without financial and administrative overhead.

Excela Solutions staffing success in the IT industry prompted a new solution focused business, providing highly skilled teams on a project delivery basis. Once our team members are engaged in a project, they aggressively define your specific problems; solve them, and assist with knowledge transfer to your maintenance teams providing a seamless transition.

Our industry project-based service experience encompasses the areas of information technology, automotive, manufacturing, engineering, insurance, banking, communications, retail, service, healthcare, government, and education.

Full-time Job Placement

Excela Solutions delivers clients with highly qualified IT professionals with in-demand for full-time positions. Drawing on a discriminating and vast pool of top talent, Excela Solutions ensures that our clients have access to leading professionals in key technology fields.

Excela Solutions has experience with clients in a variety of industries and understands the need for accomplished executives and professionals who can establish or maintain a leadership position for our clients. Through our screening processes, we take the time to evaluate and select the candidates that are right for the position as well as for your organization.

Why Choose Excelasol Consulting Services?

At Excelasol, we believe in keeping ourselves updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry so that we can meet our client needs at the best level possible. Our consulting solutions are based on accelerating the process involved from planning to the execution. We ensure that the solutions we deliver are cost effective, well defined and are industry-specific consulting solutions. Depending on client needs, we find the right consultant with the right experience to handle jobs ranging from Entry level Programmers to senior level Architects.

Our experienced team at Excelasol, outlines an application development process that is reliable and clear. This begins from the initial business case analysis and progresses until the entire software development lifecycle is made operational. Our experienced team works with you throughout the process to help you follow best practices which in turn helps in rapid development, testing as well as implementation.

Our consulting capabilities include:
  • Application Definition and Architecture
  • Process and Methodology Improvement and Definition
  • Requirements, Information and Knowledge Management
  • Software Testing
  • Project Management
  • Target Integration
  • Application Development
  • Tool Environment Integration
  • Project Analysis
  • Implementation Planning
  • Lifecycle Model Customization
  • Code Migration
  • Support and Training

Together, with our customers, we carefully gather requirements and develop comprehensive programs that can be effectively implemented and easily managed in collaboration with the project team. Our objective is to deliver a wide range of quality solutions which result in better businesses.